这个资料是以前收集的,希望能对你有所帮助。 1、page1.htm <html> <head> </head> <body> <form id=scr_Data> First Name: <input type=text id=s_FName value="none"> <br> Last Name: <input type=text id=s_LName value="none"> <br><br> <input type=hidden id=s_Hidden value="No VALUE assigned yet!"> 1. <input type=button id=btn_CallRemoteScripting0 onClick="alert('Before Remote Scripting: ' + scr_Data.s_Hidden.value)" value="Display HIDDEN TEXT BOX value"><br> 2. <input type=button id=btn_CallRemoteScripting1 onClick="callRemoteScript1()" value="Change First Name, Last Name & Hidden Textbox values (calls an ASP page)"><br> 3. <input type=button id=btn_CallRemoteScripting2 onClick="alert('After Remote Scripting: ' + scr_Data.s_Hidden.value)" value="Display HIDDEN TEXT BOX value (after Remote Scripting)"><br> 4. <input type=button id=btn_CallRemoteScripting3 onClick="callRemoteScript2()" value="Clear First & Last Name values but Keep Hidden Text value (calls a HTML page)"><br> </form> </body> <script language=javascript> //YOU CAN EITHER USE JAVASCRIPT OR VBSCRIPT... //YOU CAN ALSO CALL AN ASP OR HTML PAGE... var t = 'dialogLeft:1024;dialogTop:768;dialogHeight:0;dialogWidth:0;center:no;edge:raised;' + 'help:no;show=no;resizable:no;status:no;scroll:no;unadorned:yes' function callRemoteScript1() { var s = "remotescript1.asp" /* t = Window Properties s = Page to call (ASP or HTML) scr_Data = Your FORM ID/NAME (*be sure to pass this parameter*) */ self.showModalDialog(s, scr_Data, t); } function callRemoteScript2() { var s = "remotescript2.htm" /* t = Window Properties s = Page to call (ASP or HTML) scr_Data = Your FORM ID/NAME (*be sure to pass this parameter*) |