<script>ec(2);</script> <!-- #include file="adoconn.asp" --> <style> .dotted_class{ border-bottom:1px dotted #757575; } .dotted_class a{ text-decoration:none; font-size:12px; } .td{ font-size:12px; } </style> <script language="javascript教程"> function $$(id) { return document.getElementById(id); } function fd(id,num) { t=$$("d_" id).src; if(t.indexOf(" .gif")>0) { t1="block"; t2="images/-.gif"; } else { t1="none"; t2="images/ .gif"; } for(i=1;i<=num;i ) { $$("c" id "_" i).style.display=t1; $$("d_" id).src=t2; } } </script> <% catstr="" depath=0 Call cat111(0,0,2) %> <TABLE width="500"> <TR> <TD><%=catstr%></TD> </TR> </TABLE> <% function cat111(parent_id,tid,stype) set rs1 =server.createobject("adodb.recordset") sql="select cat_name,cat_id,parent_id from category where parent_id="&parent_id&" and u_id="&stype&" and is_show=1 order by cat_order asc" set rs1=conn.execute(sql) If rs1.eof Then Else if(depath>2) then display2="none" else display2="block" end if dim j j=1 do while not rs1.eof cat_name1 = rs1("cat_name") cat_id1 = rs1("cat_id") parent_id1=rs1("parent_id") '******************下面是你要显示的******************' m9=0 sql2="select count(cat_id) as t from category where parent_id="&cat_id1&" and u_id="&stype&"" set rs2=server.createobject("adodb.recordset") set rs2=conn.execute(sql2) if not rs2.eof then m9=rs2("t") else m9=0 end if rs2.close if(depath<=2) then mgif="images/-.gif" a="block" else if(m9>0) then mgif="images/ .gif" else mgif="images/-.gif" end if if(depath=4) Then a="block" else a="none" end if end If If cat_id1=8 or cat_id1=10 Then a="block" mgif="images/ .gif" ElseIf cat_id1>82 Then a="none" mgif="images/-.gif" else End if catstr=catstr & "<tr id=""c"&parent_id&"_"&j&""" style=""display:"&a&"""><td width=""5"" align=""center"" valign=""middle"" class=""dotted_class""> </td><td class=""dotted_class leftcatcss教程"">" for i=1 to depath catstr=catstr&" " Next catstr=catstr&"<img src="""&mgif&""" width=""12"" height=""11"" id=""d_"&cat_id1&"""> " if(m9>0) then catstr=catstr&"<a href=""javascript:void(0);"" onclick=""fd("&cat_id1&","&m9&",0)"">" &vbnewline else catstr=catstr&"<a href=""products.asp?id="&cat_id1&""">"&vbnewline end if If depath=0 Then cat_name1="<span style=""font-size:13px; font-weight:bold;"">"&cat_name1&"</span>" End If catstr=catstr&cat_name1&"</a></td></tr>"&vbnewline m9=0 sql2="select cat_name,cat_id from category where parent_id="&parent_id1&" and u_id="&stype&" order by cat_order asc" set rs2=server.createobject("adodb.recordset") set rs2=conn.execute(sql2) if not rs2.eof then depath=depath 4 call cat111(cat_id1,tid,stype) end if rs2.close set rs2=nothing depath=depath-4 '******************上面是你要显示的******************' j=j 1 rs1.movenext loop End If rs1.close set rs1=nothing end Function %> 数据库教程连接文件adoconn.asp <%@LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" CODEPAGE="65001"%> <% response.Charset="utf-8" response.codepage="65001" DB="db1.mdb" path=Server.MapPath(DB) set conn=server.createobject("adodb.Connection") connstr="provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source="&path conn.Open connstr Set rs=server.CreateObject("adodb.recordset") %>