<script>ec(2);</script> <table width="620" align="center" border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" style="background:#FB7"> <tr> <td width="464" height="27" bgcolor="#FFE7CE"> 代码如下</td> <td width="109" align="center" bgcolor="#FFE7CE" style="cursor:pointer;" onclick="doCopy('copy8291')">复制代码</td> </tr> <tr> <td height="auto" colspan="2" valign="top" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" style="padding:10px;" class="copyclass" id=copy8291> <% Dim voteid, Choose, nowid, i, Rs,SQL If Not IsObject(Conn) Then ConnectionDatabase If IsNumeric(Request("voteid")) Then voteid = CLng(Request("voteid")) Else voteid = 0 End If If voteid = 0 Then SQL = "SELECT TOP 1 * FROM NC_Vote WHERE isLock<>1 ORDER BY id DESC" Else SQL = "SELECT * FROM NC_Vote WHERE id="& voteid End If Set Rs = Conn.Execute(SQL) If Rs.EOF Then Response.Write("连接数据发生错误") Response.End Else For i = 1 To 5 If IsNull(Rs("Choose_"&i)) Then Exit For Next nowid = Rs("id") Response.ContentType = "text/xml" 'Response.Expires = -1 Response.Write "<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""GB2312""?> " & vbNewLine Response.Write "<vote>" & vbNewLine Response.Write " <system>" & vbNewLine Response.Write " <voteid>" Response.Write Rs("id") Response.Write "</voteid>" & vbNewLine Response.Write " <Topic><![CDATA[" Response.Write Rs("Topic") Response.Write "]]></Topic>" & vbNewLine Response.Write " <VoteNum>" Response.Write Rs("VoteNum") Response.Write "</VoteNum>" & vbNewLine Response.Write " <votebgcolor><![CDATA[" Response.Write Rs("bgcolor") Response.Write "]]></votebgcolor>" & vbNewLine Response.Write " <votewordcolor><![CDATA[" Response.Write Rs("FontColor") Response.Write "]]></votewordcolor>" & vbNewLine Response.Write " <Topicunt>" Response.Write i - 1 Response.Write "</Topicunt>" & vbNewLine Response.Write " <FontSize>" Response.Write Rs("FontSize") Response.Write "</FontSize>" & vbNewLine Response.Write " <VoteType>" Response.Write CBool(Rs("VoteType")) Response.Write "</VoteType>" & vbNewLine Response.Write " </system>" & vbNewLine For i = 2 To 6 If IsNull(Rs(i)) Then Exit For Response.Write " <Choose>" & vbNewLine Response.Write " <csco><![CDATA[" Response.Write Rs(i) Response.Write "]]></csco>" & vbNewLine Response.Write " <Choosenum>" Response.Write Rs(i 5) Response.Write "</Choosenum>" & vbNewLine Response.Write " </Choose>" & vbNewLine Next End If Rs.Close Set Rs = Nothing Response.Write " <prenext>" & vbNewLine Response.Write " <next>" SQL = "SELECT * FROM NC_Vote WHERE id>"& nowid &" And isLock<>1" Set Rs = Conn.Execute(SQL) If Not (Rs.BOF And Rs.EOF) Then Response.Write Rs("id") End If Rs.Close Set Rs = Nothing Response.Write "</next>" & vbNewLine Response.Write " <pre>" SQL = "SELECT * FROM NC_Vote WHERE id<"& nowid &" And isLock<>1 ORDER BY id DESC" Set Rs = Conn.Execute(SQL) If Not (Rs.BOF And Rs.EOF) Then Response.Write Rs("id") End If Rs.Close Set Rs = Nothing Response.Write "</pre>" & vbNewLine Response.Write " </prenext>" & vbNewLine Response.Write "</vote>" & vbNewLine CloseConn %> </td> </tr> </table></td> </tr> </table>